

Sport Risk Consulting

TSCS provides consulting services to specific to sport injury prevention and risk management to secondary schools, colleges, camps, sports leagues, and athletic facilities/complexes.

TSCS can provide:

  • Development of safety policies and procedure manuals
  • Development of injury prevention programs (including concussion, heat illness, and sudden cardiac death)
  • Review of league, institutional, and/or departmental policies and procedures
  • Independent safety and risk management audits Risk and hazard analysis of sports facilities.

Proactive Safety Plan

You are measured by a standard of care, not by a standard of practice.

A standard of practice at your school may be playing floor hockey without eye protection. That is not the standard of care.

The standard of care and your standard of practice should be the same.

The best risk management plan is the teacher who is competent, caring and a vigilant professional who runs a worthwhile program

High Risk Situations

Assessing High and Low Risk applies to situations you encounter as a teacher / coach

Consider the following situations and ask:
– What’s wrong with this picture?
– Red zone / yellow zone?
– What action would you take to correct?